These are 2 massive factors in meaningful learning and progress as well as social/emotional growth. Good teachers will enable and celebrate student agency in their classrooms and guide their students through a purposeful goal-setting process. This isn’t easy for young learners; they often need to reflect on where they are at currently before they are able to set their sights on an appropriate next target. Goals need to be specific and realistic as well.

When a student is invested in that process, the magic can begin. When they achieve a goal, that they themselves have set, the result is satisfaction and more importantly, self-efficacy. A belief in their own abilities. The sort of belief that sets them up for long-term success.

We would love to support your child in any goal they have already set with you, the parent or their teacher. We can definitely help with a goal-setting process too if it hasn’t really happened yet.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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