Unfortunately, the dreaded virus is still well and truly about. Here in New South Wales (Australia), there have been high rates of absence  and many families have been in isolation. This has been quite a challenge, particularly when parents are unwell and young students have learning activities to complete. Home learning is a challenge at the best of times and all but the most independent and motivated primary aged child will need some support. The parent feedback on the learning activities has been that they are presented with long-winded jargon and are often hard to understand. As an educator, I see the academic merits of identifying the learning outcomes and criteria for success of each activity but I can certainly empathise with the sick parent who just wants to know what their child needs to do.

If you have been struggling with isolation, I can be of assistance. I would be able to support you and your child via Zoom and perhaps supply some extra or alternative activities to get you through the iso blues.

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