Homework Club

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Homework Club2021-11-24T10:26:08+00:00

How It works

A slightly social, small group setting, with support from a tutor to help your child complete their homework. Same age groupings with maximum numbers, 4 per group. Highly experienced teacher will supervise 1-hour sessions and provide support as needed to your child. Extra thinking challenges and puzzles can be provided in the event of the early completion of homework. Years 5 and 6 and Years 3 and 4 in separate sessions. Maximum group size: 4 students.

How It Works

Supervised small group structure to provide support for your child to completely their homework (as independently as possible). Highly experienced teacher will supervise 1-hour sessions and provide support as needed to your child. Extra thinking challenges and puzzles can be provided in the event of the early completion of homework. Years 5 and 6 and Years 3 and 4 in separate sessions. Maximum group size: 4 students.

Learning in Isolation

Unfortunately, the dreaded virus is still well and truly about. Here in New South Wales (Australia), there have been high rates of absence  and many families have been in isolation.

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